How can the Linux OS benefit your business?

The Linux operating system is the premier platform for Enterprise IT. It has been used successfully in large-scale, mission-critical enterprises for more than two decades, and continues to be a strong contender in the race for enterprise platform market share. The reasons why this is so are manyfold:


Linux is a very secure operating system. It’s not susceptible to viruses or malware, and it has a small attack surface compared to Windows. This makes Linux an excellent choice for businesses who have employees with sensitive data on their systems.

Linux also offers security through obscurity: if you don’t need something in particular, there’s no excuse for running a vulnerable version of the OS! In fact, most people don’t even know what kind of operating system they’re using because they don’t care enough about security (and neither did we).

Linux Security


As a business, you want your operating system to be stable. Stability is a key factor in keeping your business running smoothly and avoiding downtime. Linux has been around for over 20 years, meaning it has undergone extensive testing by thousands of users over this time period. This means that Linux will always be up-to-date with bug fixes and security updates as they become available—and because these updates are released at regular intervals (and not only when Microsoft issues them), your system will always be protected from new vulnerabilities or vulnerabilities that have already been fixed on Windows but not yet patched in Linux distributions like Ubuntu 2204 LTS (which was released Apr 2022).

As well as being more stable than Windows systems due to its mature nature, Linux also offers a smaller attack surface than Windows because there aren’t many applications installed by default; instead you’ll need to download them from third party sources like GitHub or Google Code before installing them onto your server remotely via SSH command line access.

Most Stable OS


Linux is an operating system that can run on just about any type of hardware, and there are many different distributions available to choose from.

It’s open source, meaning you don’t have to pay for it—it’s free! You’ll also be able to customize your desktop with custom themes and wallpapers if you want. No matter what kind of hardware you’re using, Linux will work well with it (or at least not as badly).

Linux has been used by businesses around the world since its first release in 1991 by Linus Torvalds (the father of modern Linux). It was originally designed as an operating system for servers but quickly became popular among home users because it was so easy to use—and even easier than Windows 7 or 10!



The Linux OS is a multi-platform operating system that can run on any hardware, platform and cloud. This means that you don’t have to worry about your business being locked into one particular hardware or platform.

For example, if you want to run your company’s software on the latest technology available but don’t have the budget for it then Linux will be able to help out with this as well!

Cost effectiveness

Linux is an open source operating system, which means that it is free to use. This makes it ideal for businesses that want to save money by using an OS with less overhead costs than Windows or macOS.

Linux also offers a high level of security compared to other operating systems on the market today. The Linux kernel has been designed with security in mind from the start, so there’s no need for extra software or services when running your business on this platform.

In addition to being highly secure, Linux can be used by anyone regardless of their technical skills level because it comes pre-installed on thousands of devices including smartphones, tablets and computers (both desktop & laptop). This means you don’t have any need worry about installing drivers during installation; everything will just work automatically once you boot up after installation!

Linux is the premier operating system for Enterprise IT.

Linux is the premier operating system for Enterprise IT. It’s secure, stable and available on all major platforms. And it’s one of the most cost effective operating systems to run your business on.


Linux is the premier operating system for Enterprise IT. It has the best security, stability, availability and cost effectiveness. Linux is also much safer than any other commercial operating system because it does not have a central point of failure like Microsoft’s Windows Server does.

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